Potato Marketing Board: fiscal year 2020-21 grant to DATCP -
AB626Rent abatement for tenants: DATCP to promulgate rules specifying items and amounts -
SB887Rent abatement for tenants: DATCP to promulgate rules specifying items and amounts -
AB989Retail sale of vapor products: cigarette and tobacco retailer license required; additional DATCP and DOR positions authorized -
AB889Retail sale of vapor products: cigarette and tobacco retailer license required; additional DATCP and DOR positions authorized -
SB757Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision -
AB8Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision -
SB8Small Farm Diversity grant program created, matching funds provision -
SB453Small Farm Diversity grant program created, matching funds provision -
AB495Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased -
AB1021Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased [Sec. 307; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, adds funding provision, 130m] -
AB56Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased [Sec. 307] -
SB59Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased -
SB903Soybean Marketing Board: DATCP grant -
AB975Soybean Marketing Board: DATCP grant -
SB872Stands operated by minors allowed without a food processing plant license or retail food establishment license; conditions, ordinance, and definition provisions -
SB170Stands operated by minors allowed without a food processing plant license or retail food establishment license; conditions, ordinance, and definition provisions -
AB186Sustainable agriculture grant program created in DATCP, report required -
SB664Sustainable agriculture grant program created in DATCP, report required -
AB764Technical assistance to farmers re water quality, organic production, and soil health: DATCP duties and positions authorized; nonpoint source pollution abatement program cost-sharing and targeted runoff standards provisions, DNR duties -
AB919Technical assistance to farmers re water quality, organic production, and soil health: DATCP duties and positions authorized; nonpoint source pollution abatement program cost-sharing and targeted runoff standards provisions, DNR duties -
SB856Veterinary license and veterinary technician certificate: initial fee waived -
AB130Veterinary license and veterinary technician certificate: initial fee waived -
SB140Voluntary individual animal identification program for livestock owners: DATCP required to create, RFID tags provision -
AB812Voluntary individual animal identification program for livestock owners: DATCP required to create, RFID tags provision [S.Amdt.1: DATCP rules authority modified; S.Amdt.2: confidentiality provision added] -
SB737Well compensation grant program revisions re family income limit; bonding authority or funding increased for replacement of lead service lines, contaminated sediment removal, lake and river protection, local pollution control grants in certain watersheds, nonpoint source water pollution abatement, and soil and water resource management -
AB866Wisconsin Initiative for Dairy Exports created; DATCP duties and FTE positions -
SB6Wisconsin Initiative for Dairy Exports created; DATCP duties and FTE positions -
AB6PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision -
AB843PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision -
SB772Social cost of carbon emissions: PSC required to evaluate on annual basis and consider re construction of large electric generating facilities or high-voltage transmission lines; annual report required -
AB766Controlled substance abuse screening and testing requirements eliminated with exceptions for W-2 programs and certain work experience programs [Sec. 220, 638, 640, 641, 649, 650, 1343] -
SB59Controlled substance abuse screening and testing requirements eliminated with exceptions for W-2 programs and certain work experience programs [Sec. 220, 638, 640, 641, 649, 650, 1343; original bill only] -
AB56Employer not liable for not requiring testing of employees or prospective employees for marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids, exceptions provision -
AB772Employer not liable for not requiring testing of employees or prospective employees for marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids, exceptions provision -
SB702FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): drug screening, testing, and treatment policy requirement eliminated [Sec. 196, 719, 721, 2265; original bill only] -
AB56FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): drug screening, testing, and treatment policy requirement eliminated [Sec. 196, 719, 721, 2265] -
SB59Housing assistance program funding for homeless and low or moderate income families; Interagency Council on Homelessness duties; DPI and WHEDA reports; workforce development and job and income support programs; federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) references; community action agencies grants; public assistance advisory committee created in DHS; sober living residence networks encouraged, grant provision; reimbursement for nonemergency medical transportation services for MA recipients; nonrefundable individual income tax credit for household and dependent care services; urban mass transit aid; children in out-of-home-care and adverse experiences report; funding for Institute for Research on Poverty annual report on poverty in the state -
AB508Housing assistance program funding for homeless and low or moderate income families; Interagency Council on Homelessness duties; DPI and WHEDA reports; workforce development and job and income support programs; federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) references; community action agencies grants; public assistance advisory committee created in DHS; sober living residence networks encouraged, grant provision; reimbursement for nonemergency medical transportation services for MA recipients; nonrefundable individual income tax credit for household and dependent care services; urban mass transit aid; children in out-of-home-care and adverse experiences report; funding for Institute for Research on Poverty annual report on poverty in the state -
SB467``Mental health crisis intervention services" changed to ``crisis intervention services" and adds intellectual disability, substance abuse, and dementia; county contribution provision [Sec. 680, 681, 691; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB56``Mental health crisis intervention services" changed to ``crisis intervention services" and adds intellectual disability, substance abuse, and dementia; county contribution provision [Sec. 680, 681, 691] -
SB59Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
SB59Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
AB56Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MEB to issue treatment best practices guidelines -
SB580Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MEB to issue treatment best practices guidelines -
AB649Parent residing in residential family-based AODA treatment program: juvenile court has jurisdiction over the child; DCF to prepare permanency plan and may place child with parent, foster care funding provision [Sec. 491-501, 507, 508, 524, 525, 530-533] -
SB59Parent residing in residential family-based AODA treatment program: juvenile court has jurisdiction over the child; DCF to prepare permanency plan and may place child with parent, foster care funding provision [Sec. 491-501, 507, 508, 524, 525, 530-533; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 532c-e, deletes 533] -
AB56Peer recovery coach services under MA: reimbursement revision and continuation of care and overdose treatment providers provision -
SB582Peer recovery coach services under MA: reimbursement revision and continuation of care and overdose treatment providers provision [A.Amdt.1: DHS emergency rule authority added re training] -
AB650Postpartum women receiving substance abuse-related health services under BadgerCare Plus while pregnant: extend benefits for one year after last day of pregnancy -
SB630Postpartum women receiving substance abuse-related health services under BadgerCare Plus while pregnant: extend benefits for one year after last day of pregnancy -
AB693Recovery residence registry created; state employee using controlled substances as part of a medication-assisted treatment may not be disciplined -
SB591Recovery residence registry created; state employee using controlled substances as part of a medication-assisted treatment may not be disciplined [A.Amdt.1: national certification provision removed] -
AB646Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists -
AB526Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists -
SB520Treatment and diversion (TAD) grant program changes; funding provision and Criminal Justice Coordinating Council study required -
AB1006Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, first class cities provision [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, first class cities provision removed, report to JCF added] -
AB56Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, first class cities provision [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2)] -
SB59UI drug testing program and preemployment drug testing provisions repealed [Sec. 221, 1369, 1370, 1380, 1381, 1384-1386, 9350 (3), 9450 (2); original bill only] -
AB56UI drug testing program and preemployment drug testing provisions repealed [Sec. 221, 1369, 1370, 1380, 1381, 1384-1386, 9350 (3), 9450 (2)] -
SB59Veterans outreach and recovery program continued [Sec. 257, 435] -
AB56Veterans outreach and recovery program continued [Sec. 257, 435] -
SB59Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision -
AB131Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision -
SB141Common carrier transporting alcohol beverages into and delivering within the state: report to DOR required -
AB91Holder of both a winery permit and brewer’s permit may sell its own cider at the brewery without a retail license and provide free taste samples, off-site retail outlet provision -
AB886Private event venue permit created, exceptions and liability insurance provisions; alcohol beverage permits for racetrack grounds and state fair park vendors; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds; closing hour exception for July 13-17, 2020 if authorized by municipality; closing hour for wineries changed; brewer hours of sale modified; DOR duties and JRCCP may report -
AB869Alcohol beverage operator’s license issuance: municipal governing body may delegate authority to a municipal official by ordinance -
AB216Alcohol beverage operator’s license issuance: municipal governing body may delegate authority to a municipal official by ordinance -
SB203Alcohol beverage retailer may fill remote orders during a public health emergency declaration under set conditions -
SB931``Class B” license limit on sales of distilled spirits for off-premises consumption eliminated -
SB83``Class B” license limit on sales of distilled spirits for off-premises consumption eliminated -
AB74Credit transactions between beer wholesalers and beer retailers: maximum period extended -
AB571Credit transactions between beer wholesalers and beer retailers: maximum period extended -
SB544DOR may issue Class ``B” and ``Class B” permits for motor vehicle racetrack grounds; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds; permissible hours of sale for retail sales by a brewer set -
AB434DOR may issue Class ``B” and ``Class B” permits for motor vehicle racetrack grounds; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds; permissible hours of sale for retail sales by a brewer set -
SB395Holder of both a winery permit and brewer’s permit may sell its own cider at the brewery without a retail license and provide free taste samples, off-site retail outlet provision -
AB886Municipal liquor license quota: additional ``Class B” license allowed for establishment satisfying public accommodation standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, conditions set -
AB385Municipal liquor license quota: additional ``Class B” license allowed for establishment satisfying public accommodation standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, conditions set -
SB353Out-of-state liquor and beer shippers’ permitees and direct wine shippers’ permittees: enforcement of state alcohol beverage laws; DOR duties -
AB92Private event venue permit created, exceptions and liability insurance provisions; alcohol beverage permits for racetrack grounds and state fair park vendors; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds; closing hour exception for July 13-17, 2020 if authorized by municipality; closing hour for wineries changed; brewer hours of sale modified; DOR duties and JRCCP may report -
AB869Remote order and delivery of alcohol beverages, with or without food: certain licensed retailers permitted to provide under set conditions -